Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Helpful Hints for Visitors and for Patients in Rehabiltation and care centers and in Nursing homes

It has been a while since we posted something here. Here is our update to our blog. Some information for you:

1. You have hope. If you have a family member or friend inside of a nursing home, know that you do have hope. There are ways that you can make the stay more healthier, happier, and more joyful. The first way is to enlist as many people as possible to go inside the nursing home and have regular visits. Have regular visits but at irregular times. Have some surprise visits whenever possible. If you find yourself showing up at the home "every Tuesday", then one week, go there on a Monday , and then also go for your Tuesday visit.

At the bad nursing homes, you will find SOME staff always asking when you will be coming back. The reason they ask that is because they must pretend to be on their best behaviour when family or friends are visiting the patients there. So, always make surprise visits and never let anyone know when you will be visiting patients inside of Rehabilitation and care centers or inside of nursing homes.

Surprise, surprise, the more surprises the better.

2. Ask your Pastors, Priests, Rabbis and all of the above to make regular visits to the patient. Always have many others visit. Ask other family members to visit the patient.

3. If the nursing home patient is alert and vibrant, send in "workers" or sales people such as Fuller brush or Avon, in to visit with the person. They can make small purchases for the home or for themselves and in the same time they will have more visitors on a regular basis. Tell the salesperson that you want to be aware of all the special "sales", and then have them call you so that you can arrange a visit to the patient right at the nursing home. Tell them to sign in there as a visitor. You do not need to tell the desk that you are a sales person since the family has given you permission to visit the patient.

4. Join some civic organizations or clubs. Enlist your friends, family and members of your clubs to have some visits once in a while. ANY and all visits will help the patient. This is especially helpful inside of "bad" nursing homes since the more visitors the better. See, visitors are witnesses, and in the bad nursing homes, the staff and administration needs to put up a good front and pretend that they are all doing their jobs. So, your patients in the nursing homes get a little better care when the visitors (i.e. witnesses) are around to witness what really happens to their patients and to their residents. Be a witness today. If you are reading this and you live near any nursing home, kindly see if there is someone inside there that you can visit. Get permission from the family members.

5. Try and arrange to have whole classes and schools visit the nursing homes. This helps as ALL visitors can be quite helpful in stopping the nursing home abuses that the bad nursing homes dish out to their residents.

6. Plan holiday events for nursing homes. Plan OTHER events such as Fourth of July events, and other smaller holidays. Everyone visits at Christmastime but then the rest of the year is almost uneventful for patients. Now, you go change that and begin visiting other months and planning special events other months. You can change the world--one nursing home at a time.

We are happy to hear from you regarding your own experiences in nursing homes and rehab centers. Whether you are a patient, resident, staff or visitor, we welcome you to communicate with us.