Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pope Benedict and nursing homes

Pure Opinion

(When we remember that pure opinion is just someone's opinion, which they are fully entitled to, then we will remember that this post is legitimate, honest, and right to the point).

Pope Benedict:

The Pope planned, along with his entourage, a huge Birthday Bash for himself. They planned it good, covered everything that they thought should have been covered, and went and put it into action, for what would have been the largest, celebration, birthday bash in this country --for many years to come.

That's the way it all went down, but this is the way that I would have liked it to happen, but no one asked me, so I save my pure opinion for here, for this page.

We would have liked to see the Pope, Pope Benedict:

  • Gather all the children and teens into the Great meadow of Central Park and hear them out,listen to them, listen to their stories of how they live, where they are in their lives and what they plan to do for the rest of their lives.
  • Meet and great the real people of the USA, not just the rich or priviledged few thousand that were given that honor by an unseen, unheard of lottery.
  • Gather all the politicians, Congressmen and women, Senators, and everyone who is anyone in government and taken them on midnight raids into nursing homes in Staten Island and the rest of New York. We would have liked the Pope to see what is happening to people in NY --that are the same age and younger than he is, himself.
  • We would have liked to see the Pope leave his 40-people entourage at home, and just come as "himself", to NY, to Washington, to the USA, as the chosen representative of Jesus Christ, and we would have liked to see him approach the podium and tell everyone that they, yes they, are the true representatives of Jesus Christ, while he is the representative of the Church (The Catholic Church), and tell them that as representatives of the true Jesus Christ, they have a duty to love people, to keep Jesus in their lives and to do good, choose good over choosing evil.

We would have liked to see the Pope do all of those things, but he didn't do it. There are so many things and so many actions that we would have liked the Pope to do and to take while he in the United States, yet, we didn't see him do these things.

So what does that mean?

It means that we, as a people, as a nation, as society, we, need to do these things for ourselves.

Calling all government officials, we need your help and we need your assistance in getting raids for the nursing homes that are harming people, that are treating people with no dignity, and those rehabilitation and care centers who are harming both residents, patients and families. We need to see this happen in our lifetime. We need the government to step in and to rescue these seniors from the clutches of rehab centers that do nothing but make people into vegetables and then take all their money, their medicaid and their everything they earned in their lifetimes.

We need government to step in and stop those offending rehab centers and nursing homes in the USA, specifically in Staten Island, NY, USA.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rumor or Not? We need help checking this out

After doing some searching on the internet, we found that some major things have happened in some nursing homes (not good things).

After comparing them, we noticed that some of the offending problems and places have changed their names from nursing homes to "rehabilitation " or rehabilitation and care centers.

That appears to be a direct effort on the part of the facility to distance themselves from bad publicity about horrible problems and incidents, by taking the words "nursing homes" from their titles.

Is this true or rumor?

What do you think about it?

Have you heard any bad stories (true or not ) about rehabilitation and care centers in your city, town or country?

We would love to hear from everybody about their experiences.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rate Your Nursing Homes & Rehab Centers

Now, finally there is a site to rate your nursing homes. (SEE THE LINK to rate - in this message) Read the entire message before connecting with this link . Thank you).

Rate your nursing homes and rehabilitation centers by emailing us with
your details ; You can remain anonymous. Email

Do you have a relative in a nursing home or rehab center?

Are you presently living in a center?

Go to this site and post your own notes. Have your family and all their friends rate the place. This is one way to get the news out about the bad and the good nursing homes.

You can change the world just be giving your own opinion at

ALSO, leave your rating here in a note or by email. You can help seniors and young people by rating places.

Others will see your ratings and hopefully no one will choose to go to bad nursing homes or bad rehab centers.

Here is one more link (the other links are the same and this is one different link).

Apparent suicide at Nursing home?

The news article (see the other posts here), states that the death was an apparent suicide.

THE NEWS LINK is at the end of this article also and here too. Please read this whole message before clicking on the link.

We are wondering why they put the cause of death in the news when it wasn't fully determined that it was a suicide.

Seems the assumption is made that it is a sucide? But why make that assumption when there are so many other assumptions that can be made in circumstances like that.

What about these factors:

  • IF (That's if) this woman committed suicide, what were the reasons that she felt so strongly about that she took her life? What was her quality of life like? Did she have anything to look forward to? Most times, people commit or attempt to commit suicide because they have nothing to look forward to.
  • If, it was a suicide, could other determining factors be what her life was like at the nursing home? What is the reason why a human being wants to take their own life?

If this has not clearly been determined that it was a suicide, then what was the cause of death?

These are not accusations but these are only questions. These are probably questions that most everyone who read the accounts had in their mind. Some didn't state the questions but others did ask .

All this post is saying is this:

What makes the determination that this was a suicide?

  1. Was there a suicide note?
  2. Did the woman threaten to kill herself at all while at the nursing home? (And if so, why were proper precautions not made --the window? ).
  3. Did anyone else know about this woman's need to kill herself (If this was a suicide)?

Usually people have warnings when people are going to threaten themselves and others. Were there warnings in this particular case where this woman was found on the ground after having either jumped or been urged out of the window. (I state those two possibilities only because the news articles states that this is

apparent suicide --

The word apparent means it has not yet been officially determined that it indeed was a suicide.

Does anyone have the latest news on this story, we would love to hear the outcome of any investigations or new findings in this case.

Either way, if she jumped that's bad news; If this wasn't a suicide, that's worse news.

We will watch the news to see the updates. Kindly post the updates here in your own postings (messages). Thanks for the information.

READ the news story about the woman they found on the ground.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Rest In Peace, New Vanderbilt resident

On another note, a death at

New Vanderbilt Rehabilitation and Care Center,

the link is here: (This article is about the woman and her life, but does not mention what she died from).

Link: click these words

Resident Jumps from Own Window in Nursing Home in Staten Island, NY

Staten Island Incident:

Here is the website. Nursing home resident jumped from her window. What brought this on?

What made this woman jump out the window?

Was this really a suicide?
******(The news says "apparent suicide" -it does not say that it definitely was determined to be a suicide).

Stories like this, above -- true stories, tell us more than ever that we need nursing home reforms.

All around the country, nursing home residents are dying in different ways. Some die because they could not survive the bedsores they obtain in different rehab centers and nursing homes. Others die from falls, while still others die deaths like that one listed above.

Yet, where is the public outcry for more and better supervision, more and better health care inside of these places?

We need investigators to go into all nursing homes at random, consistently and constantly during the year. Investigators should interview all residents and take anonymous complaints of any problems if there are any.

What Happens when employees report?

The reason that CONGRESS needs to step in is because the employees who are witnessing the abuses, and malpractices -- when they step forward, they are penalyzed.

One nurse actually committed suicide because she reported abuse and the system went against her and told her to cover up the abuse.

Here is the article, and we quote:

To understand the stakes in this feud, it's useful to revisit the tragic death eight years ago of Mary Hochman, a 52-year-old night nurse at Beverly La Cumbre nursing home, a Santa Barbara affiliate of Beverly Enterprises for which Carlson served as California-based vice president of operations.
According to news accounts, Hochman walked onto a beach and shot herself in the heart after a months-long dispute with her employer. Her problems began when she tried to report that a nurse's aide had hit an 81-year-old man with dementia. According to Contra Costa Times reporter Carolyn McMillan, Hochman said in a sworn affidavit that she was told to cover up the information.
"If a nurse cannot protect her patients, I do not want to be a nurse," Hochman wrote in her suicide note. "This has taken all hope away from me."
Hochman's note, along with a journal detailing instances where she was told to cover up incidents of abuse and neglect, helped spur a federal raid on the nursing home. A subsequent investigation revealed patients suffering beatings and maggot-infested bedsores, culminating in a $2 million settlement against Beverly relating to preventable deaths. The investigation also spawned a dozen civil suits, according to press reports.
After the Hochman investigation and settlement, Beverly Enterprises sold off its nursing homes in California and Carlson took on his consulting role as head of the California Alliance for Nursing Home Reform

Check this website for the whole story.

Calling All Genuine, Honest Politicians

Now is the time for all politicians, yes all, to become united on the issues of nursing homes reform. There are too many young and old people that are living in nursing homes and that are being mistreated, neglected and handled with a lack of care.

There are too many deaths in these nursing homes and there are too many people turning into vegetables due to the quality of care in some of these rehabilitation and care facilities.

Residents, patients and relatives need to be able to make complaints anonymously and those complaints need to be checked out thoroughly without warning the nursing homes that they are coming in to inspect the place.

Too many nursing home residents and patients are in agony and yet they still are too terrified to make legitimate complaints in order to achieve a better quality of life.

Where is the help for these old and young people?

If you are a politician or if you have any kind of government job or hold any office, we beg you to begin to change the laws that govern rehabilitation and care centers

and nursing homes.

We beg you to help protect those young and old people that are inside of these nursing homes.

For Whom the bell tolls for the seniors now and in the future, the young people of today will be tomorrow's seniors.

Please, please unite today and join against these unscrupulous nursing homes and rehabilitation and care centers that are doing harm to their patients, relatives and to the residents.

Read news stories about rehab centers and about nursing homes here at our blog. Help us bring the news to the front pages of the net.

To the public:

We seek your input, your opinion, write to us today--write confidentially. All emails will be answered.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Nursing homes alert: Do you know someone in a rehab and care center or nursing home?

If you check the news or the web, most of the alerts about nursing homes were written years ago. We need updates and we need our politicians and other community members to get after the nursing homes and the rehab and care centers that are providing bad care to our family members, friends and other relatives.

If you know someone who is in a nursing home now or if you know someone who was in one in the past, you have the power to change things for the better.

Leave us a note and you have the power to change the world for the better.

All emails will be answered.
There is a union of patients, residents and family members that will help you register complaints anonymously in the future. That will stop the rehab and care centers and nursing homes from stopping legitimate complaints.

In the past, when residents or patients registered complaints, what happened was most times, there were punishments for patients and for family members who made legitimate complaints.

Now the union of patients and residents and family members will aid you in making complaints and making your legitmate complaints anonymously in the future.

There is more than one group that is now forming (and some have formed already in your own neighborhoods). Here are some details:

  • All you need is an email address to participate.
  • Interviews are free and can be over the phone or by email.
  • Some interviews will be in person but not at the nursing home or rehab and care center.
  • You anonymity will be protected. Your information will not be shared with anyone against your will.

If you have gripes about a rehab and care center or a nursing home, contact us as soon as possible.

(Note, there are no fees; no one will ask you for any money at all; there is no registration process).

These groups are forming and have been formed for your protection and for the protection of people inside of rehabilitation and care centers and inside of nursing homes.

There are many good nursing homes; you just need to know which ones they are. By sharing information about rehab and care centers that are horrible , you will be helping someone and you will be saving a life one day.

If you have a bad or good experience in any area of rehab or nursing homes, we urge you to send us your information and help this country change these things for the better.

Please write to us and email us so that you can change things for the better. Thank you for reading.