- Walker
- Wheelchair
- Commode
- Urinal
- Bandages, wrappings, and other medical supplies when appropriate
- Special stockings or socks
- Special gadget that helps people put their own sox on
- Lotions
- Their own prescribed medications
- Timers or reminders for medications
- Palms or digital reminders/or computer pages to remind the patient of medicine or therapy routines
- Possibly some home care attendants or visiting nurse services
- Meals on Wheels -- when appropriate
- Visiting counseling services
- Visiting doctors' services or doctors on call
- Posted emergency phone numbers
- Cellular phone service and or lifeline-- whichever is more appropriate
- Bathtub and shower bars
- Grippers or Gophers to help reach things on high shelves or pick up things
- and some other gadgets and equipment
This is just a beginning and a short list of what you might need if you want to stay in your own home rather than live in a nursing home.
We are happy to hear from you regarding your own experiences in nursing homes and rehab centers. Whether you are a patient, resident, staff or visitor, we welcome you to communicate with us.