Now is the time for all politicians, yes all, to become united on the issues of nursing homes reform. There are too many young and old people that are living in nursing homes and that are being mistreated, neglected and handled with a lack of care.
There are too many deaths in these nursing homes and there are too many people turning into vegetables due to the quality of care in some of these rehabilitation and care facilities.
Residents, patients and relatives need to be able to make complaints anonymously and those complaints need to be checked out thoroughly without warning the nursing homes that they are coming in to inspect the place.
Too many nursing home residents and patients are in agony and yet they still are too terrified to make legitimate complaints in order to achieve a better quality of life.
Where is the help for these old and young people?
If you are a politician or if you have any kind of government job or hold any office, we beg you to begin to change the laws that govern rehabilitation and care centers
and nursing homes.
We beg you to help protect those young and old people that are inside of these nursing homes.
For Whom the bell tolls for the seniors now and in the future, the young people of today will be tomorrow's seniors.
Please, please unite today and join against these unscrupulous nursing homes and rehabilitation and care centers that are doing harm to their patients, relatives and to the residents.
Read news stories about rehab centers and about nursing homes here at our blog. Help us bring the news to the front pages of the net.
To the public:
We seek your input, your opinion, write to us today--write confidentially. All emails will be answered.