Staten Island Incident:
Here is the website. Nursing home resident jumped from her window. What brought this on?
What made this woman jump out the window?
Was this really a suicide?
******(The news says "apparent suicide" -it does not say that it definitely was determined to be a suicide).
Stories like this, above -- true stories, tell us more than ever that we need nursing home reforms.
All around the country, nursing home residents are dying in different ways. Some die because they could not survive the bedsores they obtain in different rehab centers and nursing homes. Others die from falls, while still others die deaths like that one listed above.
Yet, where is the public outcry for more and better supervision, more and better health care inside of these places?
We need investigators to go into all nursing homes at random, consistently and constantly during the year. Investigators should interview all residents and take anonymous complaints of any problems if there are any.